
こんなこともあろうかと着替えを用意しておいてよかった Good thing I brought a change of clothes, just in case something like this happened!
こんなこともあろうかと着替えを用意しておきました We thought this might happen,so we prepared an extra set of clothes.
そんなことってある? Who in their right mind would expect something like this?
そこまでやる? Are you really going to take things this far?
誰があそこまでやれといった Who told them to go that far?
試験官の思うつぼだ we'll fall right into the examiners' trap.
群衆の空気にあてられた The panic of the crowd must've gotten to her…
試験ってレベルじゃねーぞ We can't be worried about the test right now.
ち、違うんです~! It's not what you think!


田舎者 country bumpkin.
corral 囲い
herd 群れ
venue 開催地
undercover operation 潜入任務
nefafarious 極悪な